When: February 2011
Where: Keechelus Lake (past Snoqualmie Pass)
With: volunteers for the Community Wildlife Tracking Project
What: tracking wildlife along I-90 east of Snoqualmie Pass to gather data in support of a wildlife overpass (constructed!)
Accompaniment: Crisis 1&2 by The Dears
This was the last year I volunteered for snow tracking, finally accepting that I didn’t actually like the reality of doing science. I found myself antsy and bored as we collected all the data we needed to about each track / trail / sign that we found. Species, size, gait, location… Spotting tracks: cool. Documenting them: zzzzz.
That professor in college who said I wanted to do art, not science, may have been onto something 🤔 Turns out I like knowing how things work, but think collecting the data to figure it out is boring 😉 It can take a while to let go of something you’ve adopted into your identity, though, even when it’s the wrong fit.
When we finally release an old part of us, that time wasn’t a waste. We carry on changed. I may not practice science, but that imperative to dig deeper towards a better understanding, to test theories without attachment, to wonder why and how has been etched into my approach to life.
When did you realize an interest or goal wasn’t working out?
Hope you’re adjusting to the clock change well! I’m not 😂
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